Why meaningful work? In Canada, individuals with developmental disabilities have the lowest labour force participation rate of the already staggering unemployment rate of individuals living with a disability. Meaningful employment offers more than a pay cheque. Participation in the workforce allows for social relationships to develop, to be seen as a contributing member of society, to be valued by peers and community, to feel belonging. True community inclusion, must include economic inclusion.
One of the greatest benefits of our model of visible inclusive opportunity is the relationships built between our staff and our customers. While we have gotten to know their soy, triple shot, extra foam lattes by heart, our customers have gotten to know our staff as people, seeing beyond the labels individuals with disabilities often face.
As a social enterprise, it is important that we make sustainable business choices, making employment decisions that are meaningful for our staff, but also our business. Matching employees’ unique abilities and skillsets to our own business needs are measured through tangible and real outputs. We believe firmly that any business can practice inclusive hiring; our hope is to be an advocate for the business practices behind inclusive employment. Joe’s Table proudly participates on the Ready, Willing and Able Steering Committee.
The Joseph Chung Gallery
The Joseph Chung Gallery is a community art gallery located at our Burnaby Café Location. The Gallery shows a variety of types of art, primarily featuring artists with disabilities. The space is ideal for small meetings and community gatherings. Please contact us to reserve the space or discuss an event.
Currently showing:
DDA Community Art Show